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U.S. Treasury Employees Swindle Taxpayers

Tuesday December 23rd, 2014   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 7:10am PST   •  

public_corruption_6-source-fbi Want to know what it’s like to work for the part of the U.S. Treasury Department that is responsible for managing the public debt of the U.S. government? The Washington Examiner‘s Luke Rosiak broke a big story earlier this year:

Officials in two Treasury Department bureaus fraudulently enriched themselves at taxpayer expense, according to documents obtained by the Washington Examiner.

The assistant commissioner of the Bureau of Public Debt who supervised 108 employees in the bureau’s West Virginia office “was committing egregious time and attendance fraud,” depriving taxpayers of nearly $100,000 in salary for hours she did not work, according to one of several Treasury Department inspector general documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, most of which had previously gone unreported.

The official, despite being paid an average yearly salary of nearly $170,000, “arrives at work approximately two hours late and/or takes two-hour lunch breaks and departs work at approximately 4:00 P.M. and does not take leave,” and “consistently conducts personal business involving the Humane Society during work hours,” IG investigators found after verifying a tip from an employee who said the top official “abuses her power by being absent whenever desired.”

Her supervisor, the deputy commissioner, knew about the absences but did nothing, the investigators said.

Since the story originally broke on February 27, 2014, there has been no indication of the officials in question having made any restitution to the U.S. government or of having their employment terminated, which suggests that they’re being permitted to get away with the fraud. The Inspector General reports into the misconduct indicate that the U.S. Attorney’s Office declined to pursue a criminal case, despite the documented and confirmed multiple violations of federal law.

Just consider it another perk of being a federal government bureaucrat!

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December 2014