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The Bureaucrats’ Four-Day Weekend

Thursday May 30th, 2013   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 5:48am PDT   •  

VacationWatch300Do you really want to know just how screwed up the federal government’s priorities are?

We have a great example from the four-day holiday that many government workers enjoyed during this week’s Memorial Day holiday weekend.

We are informed by the media that approximately 5% of all federal workers were furloughed without pay from having to work on the Friday before the three-day holiday weekend as part of the budget sequester that President Obama had proposed back in 2011, inconveniencing those Americans who might have needed to interact with the bureaucrats in the non-essential federal government offices that were closed that day.

As it turns out however, all of these federal bureaucrats were paid to not work on the Memorial Day holiday itself – a day when all of these offices would have been closed for business anyway.

The agencies that were closed for a four-day weekend are kind of a “Who’s Who” of federal agencies involved in the recent abuse of power and crony corruption scandals shaking Washington D.C., including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Internal Revenue Service.

So, rather than minimize the inconvenience to regular Americans, which they could have done by making the Memorial Day holiday an unpaid holiday, the managers of the federal government’s bureaucracy chose once again to put the interests of its bureaucrats ahead of those of the American people.

We’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts that the next furlough of federal government workers will be scheduled for Friday, July 5, 2013. It’s the next possible four-day weekend that the bureaucrats of the federal government might enjoy!

Is it a bad time to bring up that no federal government bureaucrat has had their extremely generous paid vacation time cut either?

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Celina, Texas Police Department

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May 2013