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CIA cash promotes waste, fraud and abuse in Afghanistan

Monday May 13th, 2013   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 8:52am PDT   •  

CIA-SmallFor ten years the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has been dropping off bags of money for Afghan president Hamid Karzai, who is grateful for the monthly cash deliveries. The revelation sparked a protest from Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah, who told the New York TimesI thought we were trying to clean up waste, fraud and abuse in Afghanistan. We have no credibility on this issue when we’re complicit ourselves. I’m sure it was more than a few hundred dollars.”

It was actually tens of millions of dollars and “used to pay off warlords, lawmakers and others whose support the Afghan leader depends upon.” The record of this “leader”suggests the money is not well spent.

Hamid Karzai is “one of the most unreliable allies we’ve ever had,” notes Bob Woodward of the Washington Post, author of Obama’s Wars. “Karzai is a diagnosed manic depressive, somebody who has mood swings. Sometimes it’s controlled, sometimes it’s not. If you just look at what he has said in public and on the record, you know, one moment he’s totally embracing us, the next moment he’s denouncing the United States.”

Karzai does not command loyalty and has been unable to prevent insider attacks by Afghan government forces against American troops. Two years ago Col. Ahmed Gul killed eight U.S. airmen and one civilian adviser. Last year Afghan soldiers and police officers killed 62 NATO soldiers and the Taliban now threatens a surge in such insider attacks. More U.S. dollars to Hamid Karzai will not prevent such attacks and only contribute to waste, fraud and abuse in Afghanistan.

The CIA, meanwhile, came across rather well in the film Zero Dark Thirty, tracking down terrorist impresario Osama bin Laden. If other CIA heroism remains unexposed, so doubtless do other fiascoes like Hamid Karzai’s monthly payment plan, funded by embattled U.S. taxpayers.

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May 2013