Posts Tagged ‘payroll tax’

The Taxes That Businesses Pay

Saturday June 25th, 2011   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 12:08pm PDT   •   3 Comments

One of the common refrains we hear from people who want to focus on “fixing” the budget deficit by increasing federal tax revenues is that U.S. corporations pay less in income taxes than what businesses in other nations pay. But in focusing on just U.S. corporate income taxes, these people are ignoring a huge…
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Your Paycheck in 2011

Tuesday January 4th, 2011   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 10:37am PST   •   0 Comments

Compared to how January 2011 might have played out, where every taxpayer in the United States would have received a smaller paycheck if the 111th U.S. Congress hadn’t acted to extend the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, the Congress’ late action to extend those tax rates for another two years, while also throwing in…
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Obstacle to Deficit Cutting: A Nation on Entitlements

Tuesday September 21st, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 11:24pm PDT   •   1 Comment

In an incisive, recent article in the Wall Street Journal, Sara Murray reports that: “Efforts to tame America’s ballooning budget deficit could soon confront a daunting reality: Nearly half of all Americans live in a household in which someone receives government benefits, more than at any time in history. “At the same time, the…
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