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MGC Director Emily Skarbek on KMED Radio with Bill Myer: Tax Cuts? Let’s Calculate

Thursday December 23rd, 2010   •   Posted by Lindsay Boyd at 10:51am PST   •   1 Comment

MyGovCost Director Emily Skarbek was a guest on KMED Radio with Bill Myer on Friday, December 17th to discuss the potential financial fall-outs from the latest tax-cut legislation and the importance of personalizing these policies for a clearer understanding of our fiscal conditions. FoxNews is reporting that the latest legislation has produced more favorable…
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The Government Cost Calculator Is Recommended at

Thursday November 11th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 3:19pm PST   •   0 Comments

The Government Cost Calculator has been recommended by Lee Doren at in “How Much Does Government Spending Cost.” With never-ending increases in government spending, citizens are often curious how much government actually costs them. In response to this question, The Independent Institute has launched, that features the personal government cost calculator to…
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