The General Accountability Office (GAO) released a new report early Tuesday morning, identifying billions of dollars currently being spent on “duplicate federal programs”. How does this happen? It’s simple, really. When a bureaucratic body fails to be efficient and accomplish the objectives of it’s charter, our enlightened, pork-loving representatives in Washington simply finance a…
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The latest economic forecasts are now projecting that the federal budget deficit will reach a record of nearly $1.5 trillion in 2011. As the Wall Street Journal reports, this “grim outlook landed a day after President Barack Obama outlined plans to push for new spending that he said would help keep the U.S. globally…
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As many Americans prepare to face those well-intended, but oft-abandoned New Year’s resolutions, what changes in resolve should the new 112th Congress be targeting? We prepare to close the books on the 111th Congressional agenda, but now what? In this exclusive Policy Analysis, economist and creator of the Government Cost Calculator, Craig Eyermann,…
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MyGovCost Director Emily Skarbek was a guest on KMED Radio with Bill Myer on Friday, December 17th to discuss the potential financial fall-outs from the latest tax-cut legislation and the importance of personalizing these policies for a clearer understanding of our fiscal conditions. FoxNews is reporting that the latest legislation has produced more favorable…
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In Tribune Media Services, The Washington Examiner and In his weekly, nationally syndicated column this morning, “GOP’s first order: Extend the Tax Cuts,” Cal Thomas encouraged voters to visit MyGovCost for a “handy” way of getting a clearer perspective on the implications that an expiration of the tax cuts will have on an…
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While and the Independent Institute do not endorse political candidates, Mark Grannis—the “Libertarian alternative” candidate in Maryland’s 8th Congressional District race—endorsed us in an interview with The Washington Post on Thursday, October 28th. Grannis cites the Independent Institute, which launched on August 31st (and is here on Facebook), among his civic activities—which…
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Voting on Nov. 2nd? Find Out How Much Is Really at Stake October 25, 2010— In 9 days, you will have the opportunity to walk into a voting booth and make a choice. The health of our economy and financial responsibility of our representatives in Congress are two of the largest concerns being addressed…
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Find Out How Much You’re Personally Paying for Government OAKLAND, Calif., August 30, 2010—The Congressional Budget Office expects our national debt to surpass $23 trillion by 2019. In fiscal year 2010 alone, federal spending will reach $3.5 trillion. The numbers are unprecedented and yet the experts are not optimistic that we will reestablish economic…
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