Posts Tagged ‘GAO’

Medicare Fraud: $48 Billion at a Minimum

Thursday March 3rd, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 5:08pm PST   •   1 Comment

In an article in Politico, Brett Coughlin reports that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimates that at least 10% of all Medicare payments (a minimum of $48 billion) are fraudulent and that the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are unable even to identify an estimate of the degree of improper payments….
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GAO’s Latest Spending Report Identifies Duplicate Programs

Tuesday March 1st, 2011   •   Posted by Lindsay Boyd at 2:01pm PST   •   1 Comment

The General Accountability Office (GAO) released a new report early Tuesday morning, identifying billions of dollars currently being spent on “duplicate federal programs”. How does this happen? It’s simple, really. When a bureaucratic body fails to be efficient and accomplish the objectives of it’s charter, our enlightened, pork-loving representatives in Washington simply finance a…
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