In a new article in the Philadelphia Inquirer, “Grasping budget’s billions and trillions: Incomprehensibly huge numbers mask real burdens,” Independent Institute Research Fellow Emily Skarbek (Director of the Government Cost Calculator) discusses the meaning and absurdity of the $3.8 trillion federal budget and the meaningless reforms being proposed. Taxpayers might have strong feelings about…
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The latest economic forecasts are now projecting that the federal budget deficit will reach a record of nearly $1.5 trillion in 2011. As the Wall Street Journal reports, this “grim outlook landed a day after President Barack Obama outlined plans to push for new spending that he said would help keep the U.S. globally…
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In an article at, “I’m going to pay how much in taxes?”, Chris Woodward has recommended the Government Cost Calculator at What is Washington’s spending costing you? A new website aims to answer that question. The website is an online calculator where taxpayers can learn what they will pay in taxes…
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The Government Cost Calculator has been recommended by Lee Doren at in “How Much Does Government Spending Cost.” With never-ending increases in government spending, citizens are often curious how much government actually costs them. In response to this question, The Independent Institute has launched, that features the personal government cost calculator to…
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In a new article in the Washington Examiner, “For a frugal Gal, I have got a lot of debt,” Tina Korbe discusses the merits of the Government Cost Calculator at “Among my friends, I’m known for my frugality. I budget scrupulously, log every purchase I make in a ledger and often forego even…
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