As Robert Higgs demonstrated in Crisis and Leviathan, the state exploits crises to expand its power. The current situation on the U.S.-Mexico border represents an escalation in that government manufactured the crisis. Young Hondurans, Guatemalans, and Salvadorans are coming because they believe they will get in the country and receive amnesty, based on clear…
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Already at stratospheric levels, your federal government costs have gone up $3.7 billion, the amount U.S. President Barack Obama wants to address the massive influx of more than 50,000 unaccompanied minors. This new imposition on embattled American taxpayers flows from the ruling-class notion that the United States must be wet-nurse to the world. If…
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The U.S. federal government is giving $3 million to the University of California at Davis despite a recent record of waste, incompetence and corruption at the campus. UC Davis has pepper-sprayed students and abused taxpayers by handing out most of the $1 million federal lawsuit settlement to lawyers, politically correct outside organizations, campus cops,…
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