Posts Tagged ‘U.S. Census’

No to Government Identity Theft

Thursday March 2nd, 2017   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 1:19pm PST   •   0 Comments

In all the excitement over the election last fall, a surging government intrusion failed to get the attention it deserved. In late September, the White House Office of Management and Budget, of all places, proposed a new racial classification: MENA, standing for Middle East and North Africa. It covers the area from Morocco to…
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John Stossel at Fox Business recently hosted a superb one-hour program, “Freeloaders,” that brings up to date another program he did on the same subject at ABC’s “20/20” in 2006. In the new program, he critiques the welfare state in America and takes on major corporations, millionaire entertainers, panhandlers, Indian Reservations, and anyone on…
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