Posts Tagged ‘Tom Coburn’

Federal Government Workers Make Twice That of Private-Sector Counterparts

Sunday June 5th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 9:31pm PDT   •   7 Comments

Based on a new study from the Congressional Research Service (CRS), Chris Gonsalves at NewsMax reports in “What Debt Crisis? Fed Workers Making More Than Governors” that: At a time when many American workers are struggling to make ends meet and government debt is threatening to undermine economic recovery, thousands of federal employees are…
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Obama’s Mediscare, ObamaCare, and the Need for Private-Market Health Care

Sunday May 29th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 6:33pm PDT   •   0 Comments

In “Mediscare: The Surprising Truth,” Thomas Savings and John Goodman discuss in the Wall Street Journal the scare-mongering campaign by the Obama administration regarding ObamaCare and Medicare, and then provide positive reform directions based on creating tax-free, private, health care accounts providing choice: The Obama administration has repeatedly claimed that the health-reform bill it…
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Federal Government Shells Out $1 Billion to 250,000 Dead People

Sunday November 7th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 12:31pm PST   •   2 Comments

As reported by the Washington Times, the federal government has paid out well over $1 billion to 250,000 deceased individuals over the past decade—and can’t figure out how to fix the problem, according to a new report from Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. “Washington paid for dead people’s prescriptions and wheelchairs, subsidized their farms, helped…
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