Posts Tagged ‘tax’

Tidings of Coercion, Regulation and Taxes

Tuesday December 8th, 2015   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 8:42am PST   •   1 Comment

When confronted with seismic-safety issues on the new span of the Bay Bridge, which came in 10 years late and $5 billion over budget, California governor Jerry Brown famously quipped, “shit happens.” As David Siders of the Sacramento Bee observes, Brown the former seminarian does better with the orthodoxies of statist superstition. “Never underestimate…
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Wednesday May 15th, 2013   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 8:42am PDT   •   2 Comments

The Internal Revenue Service has been targeting conservative groups but the powerful federal agency was not content with abuse of groups with “tea party” and “patriot” in their names. As the Wall Street Journal noted, the IRS was acting in a highly inclusive manner, giving extra scrutiny to groups seeking to “make America a…
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Government Power of “No” Trumps Citizens’ Right to “Know”

Monday August 20th, 2012   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 12:15pm PDT   •   8 Comments

On Election Day all voters become policy makers and this November 6 Californians will decide four ballot measures on taxes and spending. The Senate Governance and Finance Committee recently held hearings on these measures and the California Channel gave voters statewide a chance to watch and gain insights from the testimony. Unfortunately, senate President…
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