Posts Tagged ‘tax deductions’

Tax Deduction Trick Leaves Punitive Rates in Place

Monday January 15th, 2018   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 11:50am PST   •   0 Comments

As we noted, the new federal tax bill caps the amount state taxes filers can deduct on their federal return at $10,000. That displeases California’s senate boss Kevin de Leon, whose Protect California Taxpayers Act will allow Californians to pay their state income taxes as though they were a charitable donation, and therefore fully…
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Raising Taxes Without Raising Tax Rates

Monday November 22nd, 2010   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 3:23pm PST   •   5 Comments

How can the government increase the amount of money it collects in taxes without increasing tax rates? Or rather, for politicians looking to remain as blameless as possible when their constituents get their new, higher tax bills, how can they make it look like they’re not increasing taxes when they’re taking more in taxes?…
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