Posts Tagged ‘students pepper sprayed’

UC Computer Caper Triples Costs for Taxpayers

Thursday April 20th, 2017   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 9:22am PDT   •   4 Comments

In recent years the University of California has been hiking tuition, and when students at UC Davis held a peaceful protest, campus police pepper sprayed them. The ensuing $1 million settlement was mostly waste, with attorneys and consultants cashing in on every hand. In response to funding cuts, the bloated UC bureaucracy began to…
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Feds Fund Medical Waste

Tuesday December 20th, 2016   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 11:13am PST   •   0 Comments

  The National Institutes of Health boasts a 2017 budget of $33.1 billion, up $825 million from 2016. In the coming year, the massive federal agency will support 36,440 research grants, an increase of 600 from 2016. As Claudia Buck notes in the Sacramento Bee, the NIH will give $2.3 million to University of…
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Advanced Waste Studies at UC Davis

Monday December 12th, 2016   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 11:54am PST   •   1 Comment

Back in 2011, when students were peacefully protesting steep tuition hikes, UC Davis cops pepper sprayed them. This abuse resulted in a $1 million settlement, more than half of it going to consultants, who reported to a panel headed by Cruz Reynoso, a Jerry Brown pick California voters booted off the state Supreme Court…
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More Fine Print on the Pepper Payout

Monday April 18th, 2016   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 5:49am PDT   •   0 Comments

As we recently noted, a report from the state auditor outlines how the University of California made substantial efforts to recruit nonresident students who pay significantly more tuition than California residents. In recent years, the University of California has hiked tuition for residents as well and in 2011 that touched off student protests at…
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Feds Reward Waste, Incompetence and Corruption

Tuesday October 9th, 2012   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 10:10am PDT   •   0 Comments

The U.S. federal government is giving $3 million to the University of California at Davis despite a recent record of waste, incompetence and corruption at the campus. UC Davis has pepper-sprayed students and abused taxpayers by handing out most of the $1 million federal lawsuit settlement to lawyers, politically correct outside organizations, campus cops,…
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Government Pays Too Much for Pepper

Tuesday October 2nd, 2012   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 11:55am PDT   •   13 Comments

Last November students at the University of California at Davis held a peaceful demonstration to protest tuition increases. Campus cops pepper-sprayed them, which drew international attention. So should the recent “settlement,” of a federal lawsuit as an example of government waste and hypocrisy. As the Sacramento Bee reported, in the $1 million settlement, the…
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