Posts Tagged ‘stimulus’

Why Feds Won’t Sell GM Stock

Wednesday September 19th, 2012   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 9:21am PDT   •   8 Comments

The U.S. Treasury Department has invested $50 billion in the General Motors bailout and now owns 26.5 percent of GM stock, about 200 million shares and more than one-fourth of the company. GM was happy to get the taxpayer dough but now wants the government to sell its stock. Trouble is, the government won’t…
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The U.S. Government’s “Green” Car Boondoggle Is Failing

Monday December 12th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 3:54pm PST   •   13 Comments

In “For Obama’s green-car revolution, fits and starts” in the Washington Post, Carol Leonig and Joe Stephens report that the highly-touted, taxpayer subsidized, “green” car bonanza is failing, as production lines and sales expectations have been dramatically scaled back in recent months. In reality, this federal program is nothing but a corporate-welfare system for…
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Alternative Debt Solutions: Intergovernmental Debt and Asset Sales

Wednesday July 6th, 2011   •   Posted by Emily Skarbek at 5:51am PDT   •   5 Comments

Ron Paul has gone public with proposals for the Fed to destroy $1.6 trillion in government bonds that it is currently holding. As The New Republic’s Dean Baker reports, such a plan might be a way around the impass that has mounted on the Hill. Aside from the practicalities of politics, Paul’s plan is…
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Irish Government Raids Private Pensions to Pay for Spending Crisis

Tuesday May 10th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 10:03pm PDT   •   0 Comments

In “Irish Bombshell: Government Raids PRIVATE Pensions to Pay for Spending,” in the Business Insider, Joe Weisenthal and Gregory White report on what some people consider might be an ominous sign for future policies in the U.S. and other countries to address the gigantic spending and debt crisis. The Irish government plans to institute…
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Federal Reserve to Spend $1 Trillion More as “Economic Stimulus”

Thursday November 4th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 6:28am PDT   •   0 Comments

In the new Wall Street Journal article, “Fed Fires $600 Billion Stimulus Shot,” Jon Hilsenrath reports that the day after the stunning mid-term elections that clearly were a referendum against the Keynesian spending binge of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the Federal Reserve has launched another gigantic “stimulus” measure exactly like what…
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89,000 Stimulus Payments Went to Dead People or Those in Prison

Friday October 8th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 12:34am PDT   •   1 Comment

The Associated Press reports that the Social Security Administration’s Inspector General has determined that: “More than 89,000 stimulus payments of $250 each went to people who were either dead or in prison, a government investigator says in a new report. “The payments, which were part of last year’s massive economic recovery package, were meant…
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“The government can’t even get out of its own way.”

Tuesday September 28th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 7:22am PDT   •   1 Comment

In a new article in the Wall Street Journal, Louise Radnofsky traces the bureaucratic stranglehold of federal, state and local governments that has directly hindered the spending of the Obama administration’s “stimulus” funding from the federal government. Specifically, she examines the malaise resulting from the roadblocks to insulate homes in Detroit because of restrictions…
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29.4% Increase in Pork in 2011 Senate THUD Act

Tuesday September 14th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 6:56am PDT   •   3 Comments

Citizens Against Government Waste reports that the U.S. Senate’s version of the 2011 Department of Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations Act includes 590 projects ($2.2 billion) with an increase of 29.4% in costs over Fiscal Year 2010’s 588 projects. “The significant increase in the number of projects is indicative of senators’ continued…
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Who Is Hurting? Not Government Employees

Tuesday September 7th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 6:22am PDT   •   0 Comments

This new interactive graphic from the Wall Street Journal traces the growth in job gains and losses in the United States from December 2007 through August 2010. The results show that all sectors of the U.S. economy have dramatically declined except for employees in education, health care, and government, with federal and state workers…
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82% Say More Government Stimulus Will Destroy Jobs

Monday September 6th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 12:31am PDT   •   0 Comments

In a new online poll by the Wall Street Journal, 82.2% of those participating are voting no to the question, “Can more government stimulus lower the nation’s unemployment rate?” As the article states: “Washington’s response to the country’s stubbornly high unemployment rate will depend in part on who wins an increasingly intense debate over…
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