Posts Tagged ‘socialized medicine’

DMV Healthcare

Monday November 26th, 2012   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 10:30am PST   •   7 Comments

Nobel laureate and columnist Paul Krugman says he is looking forward to health care as run by the Department of Motor Vehicles, based on his own swift and courteous experience with that agency. At the same time, he says, his own dealings with private health care have been a bureaucratic nightmare. Krugman’s evidence was…
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83% of Doctors May Quit Over ObamaCare

Monday July 9th, 2012   •   Posted by David Theroux at 5:29pm PDT   •   7 Comments

In The Daily Caller, Sally Nelson reports today that: Eighty-three percent of American physicians have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama’s health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association. The DPMA, a non-partisan association of doctors and patients, surveyed a random selection of 699 doctors…
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U.S. Appeals Court: Obamacare Mandate to Buy Health Insurance Unconstitutional

Friday August 12th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 7:05pm PDT   •   1 Comment

President Barack Obama’s health care law that requires individual citizens to buy health insurance is unconstitutional. Although the court did not strike down the rest of the health care policy, the decision is a major blow to the Obama administration, which appealed a lower court ruling by U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson, who ruled…
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How Medicare Costs Can Be Really Cut: End Federal Price Fixing

Thursday August 11th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 7:05pm PDT   •   1 Comment

In his incisive new article in the Wall Street Journal, “Three Simple Ways Medicare Can Save Money,” John Goodman notes that: The most significant reason for our out-of-control deficit spending is health care. And the biggest federal health-care program is Medicare. That’s why almost everybody—on the right and the left— agrees that Medicare must…
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Repeal of Obamacare Would Not Add to the Deficit

Saturday January 22nd, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 4:19pm PST   •   1 Comment

Former Congressional Budget Office (CBO) officials Douglas Holtz-Eakin (Director), Joseph Antos (Assistant Director) and James Capretta (Associate Director) show in a new Wall Street Journal article, “Health Care Repeal Won’t Add to the Deficit,” that repealing Obamacare (“Affordable Care Act” or ACA) will not increase the federal deficit. In so doing, they refute the…
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Will Britain Move Toward Privatization in Health Care?

Monday January 17th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 9:13pm PST   •   4 Comments

Jill Lawless at the Associated Press reports that British Prime Minister David Cameron is seeking to “save money and cut red tape by giving control over management to family practitioners rather than bureaucrats, and allow private companies, charities and social enterprises to bid for contracts within the public health service.” Will Great Britain indeed…
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Obamacare Is Ruled Unconstitutional by U.S. District Judge

Monday December 13th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 11:19pm PST   •   2 Comments

In a stunning decision released today, U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson in Richmond, Virginia, has ruled that Obama’s health-care law passed earlier this year is unconstitutional. The Obama administration now plans to appeal the case to the U. S. Supreme Court, and here is a report from Bloomberg: The Obama administration’s requirement that…
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Federal Health-Care Overhaul to Raise Rates on Individuals and Small Business

Friday September 10th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 1:24am PDT   •   2 Comments

In an article by Janet Adamy, the Wall Street Journal reports that contrary to the claims of the Obama administration, rates for health insurance for individuals and small businesses are projected to increase by as much as 20%. Although such rate increases primarily apply to new policies, “consumers could be subject to the higher…
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