Posts Tagged ‘senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg’

Proposition 63 Pays Off At Last

Friday March 6th, 2015   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 6:22am PST   •   2 Comments

As we recently noted, California’s Little Hoover Commission, a state watchdog, reported that the state cannot even document whether or not the $13.2 billion raised by Proposition 63 improved Californians’ lives. That is of interest because the 2004 measure, sponsored by Sen. Darrell Steinberg, was supposed to keep people off the street, out of…
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Same as the Old Boss?

Wednesday January 21st, 2015   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 5:27am PST   •   2 Comments

As California Senate boss, Darrell Steinberg compiled quite a record of abuse and waste. In 2012, for example, he killed the California Channel’s live broadcast of hearings on four ballot measures dealing with taxes and spending, depriving voters of vital information. He compounded this censorship by claiming: “I pride myself on being open and…
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Ethical Crimes Waste Taxpayer Dollars

Wednesday January 22nd, 2014   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 8:55am PST   •   0 Comments

Californians imposes some of the highest taxes in the nation but its economic recovery remains sluggish. Politicians back boondoggles like the Grand Bunk Railroad and are fond of wasting taxpayers’ money on sinecures for their friends. Consider a recent case the Sacramento Bee called an “ethical crime.” Senate boss Darrell Steinberg has appointed John…
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Government Power of “No” Trumps Citizens’ Right to “Know”

Monday August 20th, 2012   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 12:15pm PDT   •   8 Comments

On Election Day all voters become policy makers and this November 6 Californians will decide four ballot measures on taxes and spending. The Senate Governance and Finance Committee recently held hearings on these measures and the California Channel gave voters statewide a chance to watch and gain insights from the testimony. Unfortunately, senate President…
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