Posts Tagged ‘Politics’

From the White House on down, the National Football League is getting a bad rap over anthem antics by some players. That is a shame, because the league, the game, and the players can teach valuable lessons, particularly for those in government. If your daddy was governor of California, like Jerry Brown’s, or President…
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Thursday May 12th, 2016   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 10:22am PDT   •   0 Comments

As the story goes, somebody opened a restaurant with politicians and bureaucrats as waiters but it failed because they kept serving the food under the table. In the real world, likewise, politicians and bureaucrats strive to keep things out of sight from taxpayers. As Taryn Luna writes in the Sacramento Bee, one way they…
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Why Washington Only Cut $38 Billion from Federal Spending

Saturday April 23rd, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 5:12pm PDT   •   3 Comments

In the following, insightful, new video, Independent Institute Research Fellow Benjamin Powell reveals “Why Washington only cut $38 billion” recently from federal spending because as public choice economics shows, special interests prevail over the average citizen by utilizing the political process to redistribute wealth and power from the many to the few (and costs…
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