Posts Tagged ‘political corruption’

Jerry Brown’s Gusher of Government Abuse

Monday November 9th, 2015   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 9:01am PST   •   0 Comments

California governor Jerry Brown casts himself as a visionary leader in climate change and likes to demonize the oil and gas industry. When it comes to his own property and his own interests, the governor sings a different tune. As Ellen Knickmeyer of the Associated Press noted, according to state records, “Gov. Jerry Brown…
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Sinecures Add to High Cost of Government

Wednesday July 31st, 2013   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 8:45am PDT   •   3 Comments

Government waste occurs in schemes such as the federal stimulus, the GM bailout, Obamacare, and so forth. Government waste also occurs as a result of nepotism and sinecures, as in the case of Gil Cedillo Jr. In 2011 California’s Central Basin Municipal Water District hired Cedillo as a “business development manager,” a position the…
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The Art of Waste: Recycling SOLyndra

Monday September 3rd, 2012   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 7:02pm PDT   •   13 Comments

“Solyndra’s power solutions offer strong return on investment and make great business sense.” That is a rather strange claim for the website of Solyndra Inc., accessed on August 29, 2012 no less. Some history is in order. Solyndra was the first renewable energy firm to get federal stimulus money and bagged $535 million in…
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Half of Biggest Obama Funders Given White House Jobs

Saturday March 10th, 2012   •   Posted by David Theroux at 5:07pm PST   •   3 Comments

In a new report from the Washington Post, “The Influence Industry: Obama gives administration jobs to some big fundraisers,” T.W. Farnam reports that while Obama campaigned on “the most sweeping ethics reform in history” and has criticized money in politics: More than half of Obama’s 47 biggest fundraisers, those who collected at least $500,000…
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Crony Capitalism and Phony Energy

Thursday February 16th, 2012   •   Posted by Emily Skarbek at 6:52am PST   •   0 Comments

A revolving door between green energy firms and the Department of Energy is a prime example of crony capitalism in full swing. As the Washington Post reports, rent-seeking businessmen like Sanjay Wagel are going where the money is. Following an enduring Washington tradition, Wagle shifted from the private sector, where his firm hoped to…
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Corporate Welfare for Early Retirement Healthcare

Monday April 4th, 2011   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 8:11am PDT   •   2 Comments

There is a lot to not like about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, a.k.a. “ObamaCare”), but now that the federal government is spending money allocated by the health care reform law, there’s perhaps even more to not like about it! We’re referring to more than $1.789 billion dollars of corporate welfare…
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“Unpaid” Pay Czar Got 6-figure Salary

Sunday September 12th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 5:54pm PDT   •   7 Comments

Through the Freedom of Information Act, Judicial Watch has obtained copies of Treasury Department documents that show that President Obama’s Compensation Czar (“Pay Czar”), Kenneth Feinberg, received an annual GS-15 salary of $120,830, contrary to the claims that he was unpaid. “Jill Farrell, a spokesman for Judicial Watch, said her organization had sought clarification…
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