Posts Tagged ‘Milton Friedman’

Withhold Applause for Unhappy Anniversary

Wednesday July 2nd, 2014   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 8:28am PDT   •   1 Comment

Seventy-one years ago, on July 1, 1943, the federal government first started withholding income tax from workers’ paychecks. For the first time, the government would get workers’ money even before the workers did. As a freerepublic blogger noted on the 60th anniversary, that’s not exactly an occasion for celebration. “Why is withholding so bad?…
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Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey: Cut Federal Spending by Scrapping Federal Programs

Thursday January 20th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 10:13pm PST   •   0 Comments

In a January 19th article in the Wall Street Journal, “What Congress Should Cut,” former U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey and FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe propose abolishing “the Departments of Commerce and Housing and Urban Development, end farm subsidies, and end urban mass transit grants, for starters.” The primary economic challenge today is…
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Why the U.S. Spending Stimulus Has Failed

Sunday December 5th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 1:54pm PST   •   1 Comment

In a new article in the Wall Street Journal, “Why the Spending Stimulus Failed: New economic research shows why lower tax rates do far more to spur growth,” Stanford University economist Michael Boskin examines how and why the U.S.’s $814 billion economic stimulus has failed. For many years now, Independent Institute Senior Fellow Robert…
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