Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

The Surge in Ruling-Class Verbal Abuse

Wednesday March 5th, 2014   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 9:04am PST   •   0 Comments

As we recently noted, deploying the IRS, NSA, ATF, EPA and now the FCC against Americans shows that ruling-class abuse has become inclusive. But some think the abuse is not quite inclusive enough, or severe enough. Consider, for example, this remark about critics of Obamacare. “There’s plenty of horror stories being told. All of…
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“Green” Firm Gets Subsidies to Sell Solar Panels to Itself!

Monday March 19th, 2012   •   Posted by David Theroux at 4:18pm PDT   •   2 Comments

In “Firm sells solar panels — to itself, taxpayers pay” in the Washington Examiner, Timothy Carney reports that First Solar has received $17.3 million in corporate-welfare subsidies from the Obama administration and then an additional $455.7 million in loan guarantees from the Export-Import Bank to purchase its own solar panels: A heavily subsidized solar…
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President’s Threat Reveals Democratic Lie on Social Security

Wednesday July 13th, 2011   •   Posted by Paul Theroux at 7:18pm PDT   •   9 Comments

Yesterday, President Obama threatened that if the debt limit is not raised by the August 2 deadline, he can’t guarantee that Social Security checks will go out. However, for years Democrats have argued that Social Security is on strong fiscal footing, and reform is unnecessary. The argument is that over the years the government…
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Binging on Washington Spending: “Jack Daniels Explains the Deficit”

Wednesday February 9th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 10:37pm PST   •   2 Comments

Visually explained in terms of shots of Jack Daniels in this video, here is the $1.5 trillion U.S. deficit and the absolutely feeble proposal by the Republican leadership to cut $100 billion (oops, now $74 billion). Meanwhile, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid ludicrously called the Republican proposal “unworkable” and “even more draconian than…
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