Posts Tagged ‘government workers’

Is Federal Prison Oversight a Waste?

Wednesday March 20th, 2013   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 9:08am PDT   •   4 Comments

“These people are collecting their hourly rates, flying out here to do whatever it is they do, eating peanuts and watching TV on the plane. When they get here, their usual hourly rate kicks in again. These guys are just rolling.” That may sound like a rant from some television tabloid but it’s actually…
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Federal Government Workers Make Twice That of Private-Sector Counterparts

Sunday June 5th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 9:31pm PDT   •   7 Comments

Based on a new study from the Congressional Research Service (CRS), Chris Gonsalves at NewsMax reports in “What Debt Crisis? Fed Workers Making More Than Governors” that: At a time when many American workers are struggling to make ends meet and government debt is threatening to undermine economic recovery, thousands of federal employees are…
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Ed O’Keefe reports at the Washington Post that the U.S. government’s postal monopoly continues to hemorrhage red ink at an astounding rate as a result of huge and unsustainable, public-employee-union pension schemes: The U.S. Postal Service reported $2.2 billion in losses during its second quarter, continuing several quarters of historic losses amid declining mail…
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Is America Now More a Nation of Takers than Makers?

Friday April 1st, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 2:11pm PDT   •   4 Comments

In a new article for the Wall Street Journal, “We’ve Become a Nation of Takers, Not Makers,” Stephen Moore discusses that “More Americans work for the government than in manufacturing, farming, fishing, forestry, mining and utilities combined.” If you want to understand better why so many states—from New York to Wisconsin to California—are teetering…
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Federal Government Employees Receiving $150,000 Has Soared Tenfold in Five Years

Thursday November 11th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 5:42pm PST   •   0 Comments

In an article in USA Today, “More federal workers’ pay tops $150,000,” Dennis Cauchon reports that: The number of federal workers earning $150,000 or more a year has soared tenfold in the past five years and doubled since President Obama took office, a USA TODAY analysis finds. The fast-growing pay of federal employees has…
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Obstacle to Deficit Cutting: A Nation on Entitlements

Tuesday September 21st, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 11:24pm PDT   •   1 Comment

In an incisive, recent article in the Wall Street Journal, Sara Murray reports that: “Efforts to tame America’s ballooning budget deficit could soon confront a daunting reality: Nearly half of all Americans live in a household in which someone receives government benefits, more than at any time in history. “At the same time, the…
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