Posts Tagged ‘free market economics’

Beyond Politics: The Roots of Government Failure

Thursday December 8th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 10:40pm PST   •   0 Comments

Traditional public policy and welfare economics have held that “market failures”—the presumed inability of a free market to deliver certain goods and services deemed to be in the public interest—are common and require government intervention to protect the public good. But is this actually the case? The Independent Institute book, Beyond Politics, by Senior…
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Why the U.S. Spending Stimulus Has Failed

Sunday December 5th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 1:54pm PST   •   1 Comment

In a new article in the Wall Street Journal, “Why the Spending Stimulus Failed: New economic research shows why lower tax rates do far more to spur growth,” Stanford University economist Michael Boskin examines how and why the U.S.’s $814 billion economic stimulus has failed. For many years now, Independent Institute Senior Fellow Robert…
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