Posts Tagged ‘Fisker’

Federal Fisker Failure, Continued

Monday April 29th, 2013   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 9:26am PDT   •   3 Comments

Fisker Automotive, Inc, got a federal loan of $529 million to produce its $100,000 Fisker Karma hybrid, built not in America by American workers but in Finland by Finnish workers. Fisker has not produced a car since last summer and recently dumped all its rank and file employees. The company faces bankruptcy and could…
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Fed Energy Plan Good Car-ma for Tesla Boss

Monday January 7th, 2013   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 7:54am PST   •   10 Comments

Millions of Americans are bracing for fiscal cliff fallout, looking for jobs, postponing purchases and cutting back on spending. Not so Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors. As the Los Angeles Times noted, Mr. Musk just plunked down $17 million for a 20,248-square-foot Bel-Air mansion with a gym, seven bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, tennis court,…
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