Posts Tagged ‘Fiscal Year 2011 budget’

The Obama Spending Future

Sunday October 31st, 2010   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 7:20pm PDT   •   5 Comments

We’ve been digging through the White House’s budget projections for Fiscal Year 2009, which was produced under President Bush’s tenure, and Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011, which were both produced under President Obama’s direction, to compare how much of the U.S. taxpayers’ money each would have planned to spend in the years from 2010…
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The Obama Deficit Future

Friday October 29th, 2010   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 7:18pm PDT   •   1 Comment

Do you remember back in April 2010, when the administration was trumpeting how much better the expected budget deficit for 2010 was going to be? When, magically, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget’s projection of the expected deficit dropped by just over $300 billion U.S. dollars from its originally forecast value of…
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