Posts Tagged ‘federal workers’

Social Security Reform Needs More than De-Nazification

Wednesday December 17th, 2014   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 5:46am PST   •   2 Comments

As we noted, the U.S Social Security system has been sending millions of taxpayer dollars to former Nazis, including death-camp guards and members of the SS. Congress has responded with the No Social Security for Nazis Act. The Social Security Administration has also dished out some $30 million to at least 1,546 dead people,…
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Obama “Pay Freeze”: 1.1 Million Federal Employees to Receive $2.5 Billion in Raises

Monday December 6th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 7:03pm PST   •   8 Comments

The Federal Times reports in “Federal pay freeze plan wouldn’t stop raises” that President Obama’s claimed, 2-year “pay freeze” does nothing of the sort, but instead will result in 1.1 million employees receiving from 2.6 to 3.3 percent increases in wages or more than $2.5 billion in pay raises. (Military and legislative branch personnel…
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Federal Government Employees Receiving $150,000 Has Soared Tenfold in Five Years

Thursday November 11th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 5:42pm PST   •   0 Comments

In an article in USA Today, “More federal workers’ pay tops $150,000,” Dennis Cauchon reports that: The number of federal workers earning $150,000 or more a year has soared tenfold in the past five years and doubled since President Obama took office, a USA TODAY analysis finds. The fast-growing pay of federal employees has…
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