Posts Tagged ‘federal subsidies’

Tesla Tags Taxpayers for $4.9 Billion

Wednesday November 25th, 2015   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 5:16am PST   •   0 Comments

Volkswagen grabbed headlines with its diesel fakery but the German auto giant is not the only car company that deserves attention these days. As Breitbart notes, Tesla Motors “issued a voluntary worldwide recall to inspect every one of the 90,000 Model S cars the company has ever built.” This is the vehicle that, as…
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Former Solyndra Employees Now to Receive Even More Federal Aid

Friday November 25th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 1:43pm PST   •   6 Comments

In “Ex-Solyndra Staff Eligible For TAA Federal Aid; Packages Worth Average $13,000 Each,” Sean Higgins at Investor’s Business Daily reports that after the Obama-acclaimed, model “green energy” firm scammed a half billion dollars from taxpayers through bankruptcy, the White House has now approved even more corporate welfare for those involved: The Labor Department today…
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