Posts Tagged ‘farm subsidies’

U.S. Government’s Ethanol Boondoggle Raising Food Prices Worldwide

Thursday August 16th, 2012   •   Posted by David Theroux at 12:36am PDT   •   4 Comments

The Wall Street Journal reports in “Ethanol vs. the World: The corn fuel mandate is raising food prices and hurting the poor,” that the massive federal corporate welfare subsidies to corn farmers and mandates for ethanol production are “a man-made disaster that could be stopped if the EPA or others in Washington cared for…
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$100 Billion of Corporate Welfare

Wednesday August 8th, 2012   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 9:37am PDT   •   14 Comments

How much welfare do corporations receive as a direct cash benefit from the U.S. government? According to a recently published Cato Institute policy analysis, it’s nearly 100 billion dollars. We mined the report to visualize which U.S. government agencies or spending categories are the biggest recipients of the largesse of U.S. politicians: The majority…
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The Real Story of Big Government Spending in the U.S. Since 1932

Saturday June 4th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 11:36am PDT   •   0 Comments

Here is a great video presentation on the gigantic growth of Big Government federal spending and debt in the United States and its impact on the average America:

How to Cut the 2011 Federal Budget by 2/3 and Have a $1.3 Trillion Surplus

Friday February 11th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 12:41pm PST   •   22 Comments

In conjunction with its Government Cost Calculator, the Independent Institute is proposing cutting the 2011 Fiscal Year budget for the federal government by $2.5 trillion from the updated $3.7 trillion in spending projected by the Congressional Budget Office in January. The result would reduce federal spending by 67.6% with a surplus for the year…
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