Posts Tagged ‘ethanol’

EPA Fuels Scam

Monday October 15th, 2012   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 12:21pm PDT   •   2 Comments

The federal Environmental Protection Agency, in keeping with its unofficial Stalinist mascot Che Guevara, likes to posture as a tough law-and-order agency, finding inspiration in Roman crucifixion campaigns, and always on guard to protect the planet from “polluters.” Now it turns out that EPA rules are a target-rich environment for scammers. The 2007 Renewable…
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Washington Post: Government Subsidies for Electric Cars Are Corporate Welfare

Tuesday November 2nd, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 2:02am PDT   •   0 Comments

In a new article in the Washington Post, “Obama’s electric-car cult,” Charles Lane reveals how the massive subsidies for electric cars by the federal government “serve no particular purpose, environmental or economic”. The article cites: [A] new, 72-page report by J.D. Power and Associates, “Drive Green: The Global Automotive Industry Outlook” that confirmed, in…
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The Ethanol Bailout: EPA Expands Industry Pork

Monday October 18th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 1:56am PDT   •   0 Comments

As the Wall Street Journal reports in an article, “The Ethanol Bailout: EPA does the industry another big favor,” the Environmental Protection Agency has stepped in to expand the pork for ethanol producers: Scenes from a bailout: Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency decided to make the ethanol lobby’s guaranteed “market” even larger. Shares…
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