Posts Tagged ‘Eric Cantor’

House Rejects Raising National Debt Ceiling from $14.3 to $16.7 Trillion

Saturday June 4th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 7:01pm PDT   •   3 Comments

In the Washington Post, Lori Montgomery and Paul Kane report that with strong public support and White House opposition, the “House rejects proposal to raise debt ceiling” by voting down a measure that would raise the national debt ceiling by 16.8% from the current $14.3 trillion to a whopping $16.7 trillion. With an August…
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Standard & Poor’s Downgrades U.S. Government Debt Rating to Negative

Monday April 18th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 1:46pm PDT   •   4 Comments

In “S&P Cuts U.S. Ratings Outlook to Negative,” Damian Paletta at the Wall Street Journal reports that the influential firm Standard & Poor’s has just “for the first time lowered its outlook on the U.S. government’s debt to ‘negative’ from ‘stable.’” A stark warning from a credit-rating firm about the U.S. government’s fiscal problems…
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