Posts Tagged ‘Economics’

Wasteful Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Will Hurt Consumers

Monday May 9th, 2016   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 5:00am PDT   •   0 Comments

As we observed in “Financial Crisis and Leviathan,” a deep recession, widespread unemployment, and fathomless debt were the prevailing conditions when the Obama administration created the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in 2011. The CFPB was based on the premise that consumers were unable to look out for themselves without help from the federal…
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A Fresh Perspective for Occupy Wall Street

Sunday October 16th, 2011   •   Posted by Emily Skarbek at 9:32am PDT   •   6 Comments

The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations are lackluster at best. One troublesome aspect of the whole “movement” concerns the poor economic logic underlying their causes. The occupiers are targeting the wrong enemy when they claim corporate greed and income inequality caused by capitalism is generating the problems in Washington. These claims have been propagated by…
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The Deficit’s Dark Secret

Wednesday September 8th, 2010   •   Posted by Emily Skarbek at 5:37pm PDT   •   5 Comments

The New York Times on Monday, columnist Peter Orszag addresses the important issue of the the unsustainable budget deficit problem and the current high unemployment. What Orszag suggests as a “compromise” neglects the heart of both problems. Orszag suggests that “ideally only the middle-class tax cuts would be continued for now” but that doing…
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Is Democratic Reform of Deficit Finance Possible?

Friday September 3rd, 2010   •   Posted by Emily Skarbek at 12:34pm PDT   •   0 Comments

For many, economic logic and application to a wise management of finances is a chore considered best left to the “professionals”. After all, crunching numbers given the vast array of rules and regulations can be taxing (pardon the pun). However, debt finance is a particular economic subject that can be easily understood and just…
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