Posts Tagged ‘discouraged workers’

The Christian Science Monitor reports that “Counting underutilized and marginally attached workers, the unemployment rate rose in April, according to the new jobs report”, to 15.9% for “total unemployment” and 9% for the standard rate of joblessness. And according to’s “Bailout Tracker”, this increase in joblessness has occurred despite the staggering commitment to…
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America’s Hidden Welfare Program

Saturday September 18th, 2010   •   Posted by David Theroux at 5:32am PDT   •   1 Comment

In Slate, James Ledbetter reports that “Social Security’s disability insurance is expensive, destructive, and out of control.” “Throughout the year, economists and both houses of Congress have debated whether to extend unemployment insurance for another 13 weeks, or 26 weeks, worried that the payments would bloat the deficit or, worse, actually cause people to…
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