Posts Tagged ‘defense budget’

Bombs and Budgets

Friday April 18th, 2014   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 7:30am PDT   •   0 Comments

The first anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing added new confusion to the tragedy. Some politicians still blamed the FBI for not following up on tips from Russian intelligence but a government report blames the Russians for not providing sufficient information. Whatever the case, some facts remain clear. No U.S. intelligence agency, military force,…
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Tanks a Lot

Monday March 4th, 2013   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 9:31am PST   •   12 Comments

The M-1 Abrams tank can pulverize a building at a distance of more than two miles and proved its worth in Iraq and Afghanistan. If one of these tanks is headed your way you might have a problem, but now the United States military has a problem with the tank beyond its reported unsuitability…
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How Would You Cut Defense Spending?

Thursday January 5th, 2012   •   Posted by Emily Skarbek at 7:16am PST   •   4 Comments

The New York Times has a useful infographic outlining proposals for how to trim the defense budget. The Pentagon has committed to cutting $450 billion in spending over the next 10 years—only a small slice of the tremendous increase in war and defense spending we have seen in the previous 10 years. The graph…
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