Posts Tagged ‘cronyism’

Cronyism Rolls On in the Golden State

Monday February 27th, 2017   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 2:26am PST   •   0 Comments

As we noted, California has made it difficult for veterans to apply their medical skills in civilian life. Like many others, these veterans must contend with the labyrinth of state boards and commissions. According to the state’s Little Hoover Commission, a watchdog agency of sorts, one out of every five Californians must receive permission…
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Government Sinecure Santa is Scrooge with Taxpayers

Wednesday December 21st, 2016   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 4:28am PST   •   0 Comments

Maybe it is the season to be jolly, but California taxpayers are still getting over their sticker shock on higher property tax bills, and the extension of steep income-tax hikes that were supposed to be “temporary.” Governor Jerry Brown, a born-again tax hiker, promoted that extension and has also been playing the sinecure Santa…
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Crony California

Thursday February 18th, 2016   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 5:23am PST   •   1 Comment

Covered California has not been much in the news of late, but that does not mean that all goes well with the Golden State’s wholly owned subsidiary of Obamacare. As we noted last year, Emily Bazar of the Center for Health Reporting wrote that Covered California’s computer system is “responsible for countless glitches and…
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Government Scam Cell Anniversary

Monday November 17th, 2014   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 9:48am PST   •   0 Comments

California’s $3 billion Stem Cell Research and Cures Act, Proposition 71, promised life-saving cures and therapies for a host of afflictions. In 2004 voters approved the measure, which created the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). Ten years later, David Jensen of the California Stem Cell Report shows how that is working out for…
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$3 Billion Scamiversary

Monday May 5th, 2014   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 7:05am PDT   •   0 Comments

In 2004, California’s $3 billion Stem Cell Research and Cures Act, Proposition 71, promised life-saving cures and therapies for a host of afflictions. Voters approved the measure, which created the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). Ten years later CIRM has spent nearly $2 billion, but as this report notes, “No cures have yet…
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More stem-cell rot

Friday May 31st, 2013   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 9:16am PDT   •   3 Comments

The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, the state’s $3 billion stem-cell institute, continues to put on a clinic on how to redistribute money to politically connected insiders. A recent federal review by the Office of Medicine, a division of the National Academy of Sciences, found CIRM rife with cronyism and conflicts of interest. Almost…
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$100 Billion of Corporate Welfare

Wednesday August 8th, 2012   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 9:37am PDT   •   14 Comments

How much welfare do corporations receive as a direct cash benefit from the U.S. government? According to a recently published Cato Institute policy analysis, it’s nearly 100 billion dollars. We mined the report to visualize which U.S. government agencies or spending categories are the biggest recipients of the largesse of U.S. politicians: The majority…
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