Posts Tagged ‘Congress’

High-Maintenance Ruling Class

Wednesday February 27th, 2013   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 10:29am PST   •   3 Comments

As Thomas Sowell has pointed out, politicians like to spend money on government pensions, for obvious reasons. It reinforces their professional ruling-class status, they are spending other people’s money on themselves, and the spending comes down the line in the future. But in a lingering recession and shrinking economy, articles like this are starting…
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New Day of Reckoning

Friday July 1st, 2011   •   Posted by Emily Skarbek at 6:00am PDT   •   2 Comments

The White House is now reporting that the debt day is approaching faster than expected. August 2nd was the cut-off date for negotiating a deal, but now Congress must agree to a deficit-reduction deal by July 22 to avoid hitting the limit. Meanwhile, Republicans and Democrats are deadlocked in opposing positions. Included in one…
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The Congressional Circus Over Federal “Cuts” Is Squabbling Over Nothing

Wednesday April 6th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 6:08pm PDT   •   1 Comment

In a new article, “How Can Anyone Take This Seriously?”, Independent Institute Research Editor Anthony Gregory slams the absurd squabbling in Congress over 2% of the federal deficit while the U.S.’s gigantic spending and debt crisis plunges onward. The U.S. is running deficits somewhere between one and one and a half trillion dollars, and…
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Will Disaster-Ravaged Japan Now Sell Off $886 Billion of U.S. Debt?

Friday March 25th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 5:42pm PDT   •   0 Comments

Seth McLaughlin at the Washington Times reports in “Fears rise that Japan could sell off U.S. debt” of the growing concerns that the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disasters and now economic crisis in Japan could trigger a major sell-off of there of its huge holdings of U.S. government debt. As of January, Japan is…
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58% Favor Government Shutdown Until Spending Cuts Are Agreed Upon and 61% Want Cuts

Monday February 28th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 8:36am PST   •   4 Comments

Rasmussen Reports has released a new poll indicating that 58% of likely American voters prefer a partial shutdown of the U.S. government “until Democrats and Republicans can agree on what spending to cut” and 61% want less spending. As Republicans and Democrats in Congress haggle over the budget, most voters would rather have a…
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U.S. National Debt Hits New Record High of $14 Trillion

Tuesday January 4th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 8:36pm PST   •   2 Comments

According to CBS News, on the last day of 2010 the U.S. National Debt hit a record level of more than $14 trillion or $14,025,215,218,708.52, up from $9 trillion just over three years ago and a whopping 55% increase since just before 2008. As the report states: It took just 7 months for the…
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Is Democratic Reform of Deficit Finance Possible?

Friday September 3rd, 2010   •   Posted by Emily Skarbek at 12:34pm PDT   •   0 Comments

For many, economic logic and application to a wise management of finances is a chore considered best left to the “professionals”. After all, crunching numbers given the vast array of rules and regulations can be taxing (pardon the pun). However, debt finance is a particular economic subject that can be easily understood and just…
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