“More than a year after Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law he said would tamp down pension spiking,” noted Jon Ortiz in the Sacramento Bee, “the state’s biggest public pension fund is on the verge of adopting rules critics say would undermine its intent.” That pension fund, CalPERS, went on to adopt the new…
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Calculating the cost of government is a difficult task but as a general rule the costs will always be higher than taxpayers imagine. A California case shows why this is so. Pension plans, including those in government, include contributions by the employer and the employee. The employee contribution of Susan Muranishi, an administrator in…
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There is a lot to not like about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, a.k.a. “ObamaCare”), but now that the federal government is spending money allocated by the health care reform law, there’s perhaps even more to not like about it! We’re referring to more than $1.789 billion dollars of corporate welfare…
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