Posts Tagged ‘California deficit’

California Recovery Legend Ignores Debt of $340 Billion

Thursday June 5th, 2014   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 7:00am PDT   •   1 Comment

For some months now the story has been going around that California is experiencing an economic turnaround. As Ben Boychuk noted in City Journal California, the story “describes a state emerging from a decade of fiscal darkness to reclaim its place as an innovative, diverse, entrepreneurial haven.” The tale may be compelling but remains…
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Negative Net Worth in the Golden State

Wednesday April 3rd, 2013   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 9:58am PDT   •   10 Comments

Columnist Paul Krugman denies that “liberal big spending and overpaid public employees were bringing on collapse” in California, and he parrots governor Jerry Brown’s claim that the Golden State is on the comeback trail. Before joining the celebration, taxpayers might examine a new report from the Bureau of State Audits that pegs California’s net…
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Hidden Money Cover-up

Wednesday January 9th, 2013   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 7:55am PST   •   2 Comments

We have been following California’s hidden-money scandal, in which bureaucrats in the state Parks Department concealed $54 million for more than a decade, even as the Department was shutting down 70 parks, the state facing budget deficits of $16 billion, and politicians stumping for huge tax increases. One legislator wanted to know how much…
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Government Hides Money, Cont’d

Wednesday November 21st, 2012   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 8:00am PST   •   3 Comments

As we noted in July, the California Parks Department managed to hide $54 million for 12 years. For more than a decade, the California Department of Finance, responsible for such matters, failed to find the money. But apparently performance has improved. The same Finance Department managed to find an additional $1.4 billion available for…
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The Government Gospel of Greed

Monday November 5th, 2012   •   Posted by K. Lloyd Billingsley at 11:42am PST   •   3 Comments

As this column shows, government waste, fraud and abuse is rampant at all levels. Seldom, however, has any politician attempted to give divine sanction to government greed in the style of California Governor Jerry Brown, who once wanted a California space program and recently signed off on a $68 billion railroad train. The former…
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Key California State Workers Receive Half-Million Dollar Payments for Sick Days

Sunday March 20th, 2011   •   Posted by David Theroux at 3:10pm PDT   •   0 Comments

In “State workers’ unused paid time means big payouts,” Marisa Lagos reports in the San Francisco Chronicle that while California has been facing a financial crisis with record deficits and high unemployment, many state government employees are receiving half-million dollar payments for amassed sick days upon leaving or retirement: One public employee received a…
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