Taxpayers calculating the cost of government should remain on full alert for waste on all fronts, but particularly in the military. Consider, for example, this story in the Daily Beast about the new fleet of presidential helicopters. These will be “the most expensive helicopters ever made,” with each one logging in at $400 million,…
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The current executive branch of the federal government claims to be the most transparent in history but actually shows unprecedented hostility toward the news-gathering process. That is not a Tea Party press release but an ongoing story that emerged in some detail in a recent CSPAN session headed by Leonard Downie Jr., former executive…
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With the national debt soon to reach $17 trillion, it’s not surprising that even the President can’t quite grasp the concepts of the debt ceiling and our national debt (see: “Raising the Debt Ceiling … Does Not Increase Our Debt“)—numbers this size are notoriously difficult for any of us to accurately conceive. That’s why…
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In “Firm sells solar panels — to itself, taxpayers pay” in the Washington Examiner, Timothy Carney reports that First Solar has received $17.3 million in corporate-welfare subsidies from the Obama administration and then an additional $455.7 million in loan guarantees from the Export-Import Bank to purchase its own solar panels: A heavily subsidized solar…
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USA Today reports that the difference between what the federal government under President Obama will have spent in 2012 and how much it will collect in taxes and other revenue sources will be $1.33 trillion: The budget, an outline of which was released by the White House Friday night, will show a higher deficit…
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Crony capitalism is the theme of tonight’s “State of the Union” address. Warren Buffet’s longtime secretary, Debbie Bosanek will be seated next to Michelle Obama at tonight’s speech. Bosanek has recently become the White House’s new symbol for higher taxes and what the administration terms “economic fairness”. But fairness couldn’t be farther from the…
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How dependent has the United States government under President Barack Obama become upon borrowing money from foreign sources to support its spending? Would you believe the answer is: “enough to exclude a long-time U.S. manufacturer from consideration for a defense contract in favor of a foreign-based manufacturer, despite the U.S. manufacturer having invested considerable…
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Today, The Economist is facilitating a discussion between the two sides of the stimulus debate. On one side of the spectrum is Richard C. Koo, Chief economist at Nomura Research Institute, who opens his argument with: Monetary policy is largely useless in this type of recession because those with balance sheets underwater are not interested in…
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Here is a great video presentation on the gigantic growth of Big Government federal spending and debt in the United States and its impact on the average America:
Gasoline prices have continued to rise now for 35 straight days. Gas pump prices have climbed for 35 straight days even though industry surveys show Americans have started to drive less. The national average rose by a penny to hit $3.87 per gallon on Tuesday, more than a dollar higher than it was last…
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